Living Word

Christian Resources for the Whole Community




News from Living Word, Bognor Regis -  5th September 2024 for all churches, suppliers and customers both old and new.

Please share this email with anyone you know who may be interested


Living Word Bible Bookshop has been established in Bognor Regis since the early 1960’s and the ownership has been passed from person to person like a relay baton -each owner or manager holding fast to the vision that the residents of Bognor Regis and surrounding area need a safe place, a light in the darkness, a testimony to the reality of God in our lives;  be it the purchase of a first Bible, a regular set of Daily Readings, a gift for a neighbour or friend to say they are appreciated, a place to off-load the cares of life and be prayed for.  Living Word has fulfilled it’s God inspired role.

For 30 years it has been under the careful stewardship of Tony and Lindsay Leney ably supported by Don, Marje and volunteers.    

 Lindsay, as the main vision holder, went to glory recently and Tony has felt it time to pass the baton on.    We are blessed that it is now ‘our turn’.

John and Jackie Goble and Sarah Hodgson have all had links with Living Word and are passionate that it should remain, function and meet the needs of the locality in the coming years before, again it will be our turn to pass the baton on.

So, as of today, Living Word becomes a part of the Myrtle Tree group of companies led by John and Sarah.    We are already seeking  volunteers (and later employees) who will ‘join the team’ as we take  Living Word into a new era.  In everyday life there is a saying ‘if you want something doing ask a busy person’   This is true of us – but we have accepted God’s challenge to be stretched and whilst not abandoning any of the tasks each of us already do, we look forward to this new adventure and hope we will be sharing it with you.

We are aware that some things will need changing to allow a presence in this digital age and some things and services need to remain the same.  God may be in the shaking business,  but He chooses to do it gently as we are willing to respond. 

We need you,  so please consider helping us as we get our feet under the table. Being novices, your support and advice will be essential as we start out on this new adventure.

The aim is that the bookshop will continue to be, and the building at large can become,  a resource for local churches and individuals.

An invitation :   We would like as many as possible to join us for tea and cake at an official ‘handing over’ Open House on Saturday , 12th October from 2 - 4pm.

Please will you join us in thanking and honouring Tony and Lindsay for their care and commitment over the last 30 years, along with the long line of saints before them

Thank you all – May God have all the glory

Best wishes from John, Jackie and Sarah

PS.  We can be reached at the shop, on the phone 01243  828223 or by email to



And finally a personal note from Tony


After my wife, Lindsay, went to glory I carried on running Living Word, but as I was past 80, our son, Benjamin was concerned about succession!   After putting out 'feelers' round local churches without response , a casual chat at our Sunday meeting led us into God's provision ............I am so grateful to God and to Sarah, John and Jackie for taking on the ministry at Living Word which was passed to Lindsay and me by Norman Todd 30 years ago

May it continue and flourish as a witness for Jesus for years to come.

When so many Christian bookshops have had to close, it is a miracle.  I know the definition of a miracle is the suspension of natural forces, but people being led by the Holy Spirit is a suspension of natural forces, because the Holy Spirit moves in the supernatural !

Many blessing to you all.



Kids Corner


Come in and see !

Lots to choose from !!


 If you cannot come to our shop,

Buy now from online store :-


Our Opening Hours are as follows:

Monday to Saturday
9:30am to 4:30pm

CLOSED on Wednesdays


Chance to win £500 !

Enter last 4 digits of any Book Token, even if used, on link below :-


 We have some brand new books at VERY SPECIAL PRICES

Activity Bible

reduced from £8:99 to £4:50

Activity Bible

one of a selection of Titles


 Selected Books from

10 pub

Brahmin RebornBrahmin Reborn

"I took a glass and carefully broke it. I ground it, then mixed it into some cooked rice. This lethal meal would be the end of my insufferable ignorance. I only a matter of hours I'd discover the secret of the afterlife....."

It is 1966. Madras, India. A young Brahmin realises the futility of his ritrualistic Hinduism. Unable to face another day, he gives his gods an ultimatum: reveal yourself, or I will kill myself. After preparing a deadly meal. he heads out to what he thinks will be his final walk around the city. As he does he passes a man handing out flyers. They catch his eye. He's intrigued. He heads inside to see what's going on. What happens next changes the direction of his life and the ill-fated meal waiting at home.  

Normal Price £6.99  Now £3.99


Please note that these are simply a "taster" of the many titles we have in stock.  
Come on in and see !!


If you buy online, there is usually postage or carriage. There are NO delivery charges when you come to Living Word (unless you ask for express delivery on a special order).


  • 30 Crescent Road
  • Bognor Regis
  • West Sussex
  • PO21 1QG

01243 828223